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Should you visit the Netherlands?  Yes!  And that’s a Full Stop.  In this post, why you should visit the Netherlands … 3 amazing things about the Netherlands.

3 reasons to visit the Netherlands

You know it’s been a great holiday when you’re seeking everything that made you smile there, here at home!  True for our last visit to the Netherlands.  Thank you Netherlands, for sharing the little things that are so simple yet feel so abundant in the daily everyday.

Why You Should Visit the Netherlands

These 3 Amazing Things in The Netherlands

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First, the simple art of tea!  Hot water, then pack in the plants, viola!  Super fragrant & super delicious.  Why aren’t we all preparing tea in this super flavourful easy way??  On the L is mint and on the R is ginger.  I’m told mint is easy enough to have in your kitchen with plenty of light & water.  With the ginger, they simply slice (assuming scrub clean first).  I’ve seen the skin removed, but this is even easier!  It’s served this way everywhere, so order anywhere and enjoy!

why you should visit the netherlands

style over 50 travel

#2 – FRIES.  Oh you know I about fell over when I learned that fries are the national snack?!  When it’s the national snack, you KNOW it’s a cut above the rest (I’m looking at you France).  Served up a multitude of ways, yet still the delicious star on any plate.  PS the frites come with mayo, so you need to request ketchup.  Again national snack, so you can find everywhere in the NE.

why visit amsterdam

is Netherlands worth a visit

3 amazing things about the Netherlands

#3 – The bike culture!  Almost threw down the obvious, the coffee shops, but I find the bike culture far more amazing.  The bike culture & lifestyle adds to the excitement and beauty of daily life & landscape in NE.  If you can experience it, you def should!  I mean have you seen bike transpo like this??  I don’t think so lol.

When to Visit the Netherlands

We’ve been lucky enough to visit both in the summer & winter now.   For me, any time is a good time to visit the Netherlands!

  • Visiting in the summer (July – Sept) is always nice, just for the weather and overall happy summer vibe. But lots of people, lots of lines, lots of vibes lol.
  • But don’t over look the winter (Dec – Feb)!  Fares & hotel rates are a little lower and far less tourists.  Also winter seems milder in the NE than what we are use to Chicago (upper 30’s, lower 40’s degrees F).

In this post, I’m sharing the 3 amazing things about the Netherlands that have left an indelible mark on my heart ❤️, why you should visit Netherlands & when.




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