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I don’t know bout you, but I’m as excited for the flight as I am for the holiday!  In this post I’m sharing ideas & answers for What Should I Pack for a Plane Trip?  What is the 5-4-3-2-1 packing system?

things to pack for a plane trip
Affliliates links in this post (for your medicinal plant med needs)

I’ve traveled a lot these past three years.  So whatever can make my life at the airport and on a plane a little more pleasant then I’m doing it.  Here’s my simple list to make travel & flight go more smoothly & more enjoyable 🙂  We’re looking at carry on bags and what to pack in them!  Most importantly on the flight, have a comfy fit on…check mine here.  And quickly, have you heard of this packing system, 5-4-3-2-1?  We’re discussing below!!

Plane Travel?

Here’s an easy Flight Essentials List

The Carry On

First things first (and the most fun), you need a carry on bag.  After some research and a number of trips (hello, Delta gold medallion member) that carry on becomes THE bag.

  • The bag has easy-to-get-to compartments … for your wallet, your passport, your reading material, all your electronics, your earbuds, your snacks & your water.  The basics, right?
  • The bag should also be made to & easy to carry and lastly, I love a good simple design, great color and/or  details.

Here’s a few carry on’s for consideration…

  • My carry on of choice is a backpack by Fjällräven.  It’s all of the above & more!
  • These bags by Baboon to The Moon have been on my radar for awhile now.   How bout those great colors and fab material??
  • The Clare V Simple Tote deserves a mention.  What a great looking straight up tote!  Love that it can handle a load and not get all misshapen.  Unfortunately, the small thin shoulder strap did me in.  But the design I’m sure will lure me back to buy me another.

 Flight Essentials Kit

1.  Essential Travel Paperwork

Most important to have on your person are all the tickets you need for your trip.  Have these in your apps or in a secured pocket in your carry-on.  Here’s a travel document checklist:

  • Passport
  • Tickets – plane, shuttle, event(s), etc (paper or on app)

2.  Medicinal Plant / Medicine Needs

CBD / THC for rest, a reset, relief or a nice mood boost during your flight & holiday

  • gummies
  • tinctures
  • topicals / oils
  • pocket crystals
  • medications

2.  Nap Time Needs

  • neck pillow
  • large cozy scarf – doubles as mask & pillow
  • socks / compression socks

3.  Electronics & Entertainment

  • books, mags, journals, pens
  • noise cancelling headphones
  • laptop / tablet
  • chargers

4.  Snacks & Hydration

I am always in deep regret mode when I don’t have either or both of these items.  This is a must-bring checklist for me :

  • reusable water bottle
  • nuts, seaweed snacks, fruit, Pan’s mushroom jerky, any sweet treat from the airport lounge.

5.  Toiletries & Emergency Items

All the hygiene you can’t live without, but in 3oz or less sizes lol.  FYI…all electric toothbrushes need to be packed in your carry on.  Along with your own personalized hygiene needs, here’s some extras :

  • lotion – this I have all the time
  • bandana – as a mask (funky smells) or rag if needed
  • extra pair of undies & socks – just in case of checked luggage issues
  • mints, bandaids, Tums

What is the 5-4-3-2-1 Packing Method?

Check this!  The 5-4-3-2-1 Method is

  • 5 tops
  • 4 bottoms
  • 3 accessories
  • 2 shoes
  • 1 swimwear

At first glance, all the objections were flooding my mind.  From a stylist viewpoint, it’s too methodical and where’s the love??  I love every piece in my wardrobe and look forward to the pack.  But I decided to try this method out.  I mean, a pack is a pack and I can still love digging through my wardrobe :)).  Moving forward!  This list seems for a possible week long trip.  Will update when I do!

This post answers what should I pack for a plane trip, what to pack for a plane trip list, what is in the travel essentials kit and what is the 5-4-3-2-1 packing method?


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is sharing her unique personal style from a 50+, p.o.c  p.o.v  along with easy stylist tips, style inspirations & essentials, travel stories with recommendations and best of all, overall good vibes, self care & wellness.  
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