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Weed at The Farmer’s Market.  That got your attention, right?  Yeah I clicked through at 5:22am.  I get interesting informative cannabis news like this on the weekly from Lauren Yoshiko and her newsletter / podcast Sticky Bits

This post is on 3 Cannabis Podcasts for Cannabis News, Cannabis Community and Cooking with Cannabis.women in cannabis

Hey hey, fellow cannabis enthusiasts :)!  it’s your girl, Sirikit, long-time lover of all things cannabis.  sharing my three top cannabis podcasts go-to’s for fresh insights on…

  • Cannabis News:  honestly so interesting to read all the going-ons in this ever changing industry & culture.
  • Women & the BIPOC Cannabis Community:  I’m passionate about exploring how cannabis is intertwined with the lives of other women and the AAPI & BIPOC communities.  For real, where my people at??  Aaaaand…
  • Cooking with Cannabis: I cannot think of a better way to give my lungs a little respite from smoking than through delicious food.   Looking forward to learning a new way to use & enjoy my favorite herb :)).

In this post 3 top cannabis podcasts for cannabis news, the cannabis community and cooking with cannabis!

3 Cannabis Podcasts for Cannabis News, Cannabis Community & Cooking w Cannabis

aapi in cannabis

thrilled to have discovered Sticky Bits!  Sticky Bits marked my initial foray into the world of cannabis newsletters and podcasts.  undeniably hooked from the very first newsletter, which also introduced me to other favorite podcasts {here’s two below!}. There’s so much to learn from this cannabis veteran.

top cannabis podcasts 2023

Weed Witch, let’s step into her world where women and community take center stage.  woot!

Pipe Dreams podcast by The Weed Witch  delves into the captivating stories of what Carly Fisher lovingly calls “free-thinking societal outliers” – the Weed Witches.  As host and founder, Carly brings these unique individuals to the forefront, showcasing their journeys and perspectives.  that together with the discovery of “The Best Bubbler!”, Pipe Dreams is a fab podcast find.

cooking with cannabis

Rounding out my flower news with Fruit & Flower Unfurled!  I’ve blogged about Fruit & Flower before, but she deserves another spotlight :).  Good food & community what more can you ask for?  honestly, fully in after her podcast on “Weed Coffee and Canna Milk, but completely hooked after her chat with Chef Wendy Zeng, Dumplings + Asian Immigrant Identity.

I appreciate how she consistently engages with the AAPI community in her podcast.  And love her guides like “How to Get the Weed into the Food” and “DIY edibles for Beginners”.  what’s more is all the fun science Christina gets into with her recipes.

That wraps up my roundup of the top cannabis podcasts to keep you in the loop!  Enjoy!

This post is on the 3 best cannabis podcasts, cannabis news, cannabis community, women in cannabis, cooking with cannabis

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